Your complete all-in-one

Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Simplified

Welcome to Whatso, your go-to platform for WhatsApp broadcasting. With our powerful Bulk WhatsApp Sender, embarking on your WhatsApp Marketing journey and expanding your business has never been simpler.

    Trusted by industry leaders:

    Experience Power of Whatso

    The powerful WhatsApp marketing platform from Whatso which helps your business connect with the masses in seconds. Thus, helping your business grow effortlessly.

    Bulk Messenger

    Whatso WhatsApp Bulk Sender Features

    Effortlessly add 1000’s of contacts to the database. Plus, our user-friendly interface makes managing your contacts a breeze.

    Send out tens of thousands of messages in seconds, making your WhatsApp broadcasting quick and effective.

    Enhance your WhatsApp messages by attaching images, videos, PDFs, Docs, and more, adding a rich media experience to your campaigns.

    Gain valuable insights with detailed reports for each of your Bulk WhatsApp campaigns, helping you fine-tune your strategy.

    Instantly sift through your contacts to distinguish between WhatsApp and non-WhatsApp users, streamlining your targeting process.

    Bulk Messenger

    Exploring Additional Features of Whatso

    Remove duplicate contacts effortlessly, ensuring your database is clean and organized for more efficient Bulk WhatsApp campaigning.

    Choose from 3 distinct messaging modes for your convenience:

    • Text-Paste Mode: Simplify message sending by pasting pre-written texts.
    • Text-Typing Mode: Messages are sent as if they’re being typed out, adding a personal touch.

    Turbo Fast Mode: Boost your message sending speed, reaching your audience faster.

    Add and manage multiple numbers easily, allowing for resourceful and large-scale campaign execution.

    Avoid number bans with our clever delay feature, scheduling your messages to go out at regular intervals for optimal reach.

    Quickly grab contacts from any WhatsApp group, making it super easy to expand your audience with relevant leads.

    Bulk Messenger

    Steps to Install Whatso Bulk WhatsApp Sender

    Step 1: Download Zip file of  WhatsApp Business Sender Software from the below-given link.


    Step 2: Install this software into your system.

    Step 3: After Installation Please Extract the Zip file, and open the Whatso folder in that you will find one application namely "Whatso" open that software and login with your purchasing mail ID and Mobile Number

    Integrations with 3rd party plugins

    Integrate effortlessly with your favorite apps. Enhance functionality, boost efficiency, and streamline workflows.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    All the answers you're looking for

    If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.

    We offer a free trial that allows you to send up to 100 messages. This lets you experience the platform before committing to a paid plan.
    Once you place your order, you'll receive a confirmation email with a license key. This key allows you to use our platform for sending bulk messages.
    There isn't a strict limit with our software, but sending too many messages at once can get your WhatsApp number banned. It's best to send them in smaller batches to be safe.
    Upgrading your plan is definitely possible! However, downgrades are not currently available.

    Stay up to date on our journey

    Explore the latest trends, tips, and insights in our world. Get the knowledge to empower your business growth and increase productivity.

    Get the Right Numbers for WhatsApp Marketing: Easy Filtering Guide!

    Get the Right Numbers for WhatsApp Marketing: Easy Filtering Guide!

    When evaluating potential agencies, consider their aspects of branding and design.

    How to Get Your WhatsApp Contacts for Sending Broadcast Messages (The Easy Way!)

    How to Get Your WhatsApp Contacts for Sending Broadcast Messages (The Easy Way!)

    When evaluating potential agencies, consider their aspects of branding and design.

    How to Send Bulk Messages with Easy Steps

    How to Send Bulk Messages with Easy Steps

    When evaluating potential agencies, consider their aspects of branding and design.

    Customer success case studies

    Discover how businesses like yours transformed with our software. Real stories of growth, innovation, and success.

    Since implementing this software, our response times have improved dramatically, leading to a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings. It’s reliable, easy to use, and truly transformative for our operations.

    James Pritchet

    Founder & CEO

    Our team has seen a 40% increase in productivity since we started using this tool. It allows us to send bulk messages seamlessly and track our campaigns effectively. Absolutely indispensable for staying connected with our clients!

    Mia Tanner

    Account Executive

    The analytics feature is a game changer, providing us with real-time data that has enhanced our strategic decisions, boosting our outreach efficiency by 30%. This software is a must-have tool for engaging and expanding our customer base.

    Carlos Riveria

    Data Engineer

    I was initially skeptical about another 'revolutionary tool', but this software proved me wrong. The ability to customize messages and schedule them in advance has made our communications process so smooth and professional.

    Samantha Kim

    Head of Brand

    This software has become our team's go-to for all external communications. The user interface is intuitive, and the support team is always helpful. We've managed to double our reach without doubling our workload.

    Liam Watson

    Marketing Manager

    Switching to this bulk messaging tool was one of the best decisions we've made this year. It's not just a time-saver; it's a strategic asset that enhances every campaign we run. Simple, efficient, and incredibly effective.

    Vanessa Hector

    Marketing Manager

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